Краткий исторический очерк
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17. Рошаль Л.М. Ургентная лапароскопия — переворот в ургентной детской хирургии //«Актуальные вопросы лапароскопии в педиатрии»: Материалы симп. - М., 1994. - С. 35-36.

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19. Щебеньков М.В. Лапароскопическая герниорафия у детей // Эндоскоп, хир. - 1995. - № 4. - С. 7-9.

20. Box N.M.A., Georgeson K.E., Najmaldin A., Valla J.S. Endoscopic Surgery in Children. Berlin; Heidelberg: - Spinger, 1999.

21. Bax N.M.A., van derZee D. C. Laparoscopic treatment of intestinal malrotation in children // IV International congress for endosurgery in children. — Orlando, 1995. - P. 41.

22. Coran A. G., Beiss D., Hirschi R. et al. The efBcasy of anterior fundoplication in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux in children // III International congress endoscopy-laparoscopy in children. — Miinster, 1994. — P. 5.

23. Fujimoto Т., Segawa 0., Lane G.J. et al. Laparoscopic surgery in newborn infants // Surg. Endosc. - 1999. - Vol. 13, No. 8. - P. 773-777.

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25. Holcomb G.W., Braren H.V. Laparoscopic nephrectomy in infants // IV International congress for endosurgery in children. — Orlando, 1995. — P. 1.

26. Jasonni v., Gagnazzo A., Mattioli G. et al. Nissen fundoplication in children: laparoscopic technique // III International congress endoscopy-laparoscopy in children. — Minister, 1994. - P. 15.

27. Poddoubnyi I.V., Dronov A.F., Kovarskyi S.L. Laparoscopic procedures in pediatric urology: Abstracts of II international congress of paediatric endosurgery. — Madrid, 1998. - P. 15-16.

28. SchleefJ., Willital G H. The role of laparoscopy for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in reflux disease in children // III International congress endoscopy-laparoscopy in children. — Miinster, 1994. — P. 32.

29. SchleefJ., Willital G.H. Laparoscopic large bowel surgery // Ibid.

30. Tan H.L. Laparoscopic pyloromyotomy versus open operation_7: which is better? // III International congress endoscopy-laparoscopy in children. — Miinster, 1994. - P. 36.

31. Thompson W.R., Hicks B.A., Guzzetta Ph. C. Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication in infants // IV International congress for endosurgery in children. — Orlando, 1995. — P. 28.

32. Waldhausen J.H., Sawin R.S. Laparoscopic Ladd's procedure and assessment of malrotation // Ibid. - P. 41.

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